Office Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri: 9am-12pm, 2pm-6pm | Tue-Thu: 2pm-6pm | Sat-Sun: Closed
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Weight Loss Program

A message from Dr. Walsh,

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of people being sick and tired! In fact, that is why I do what I do every single day!

Unfortunately, most people who are overweight or obese have no idea that being overweight or obese directly ties into so many other health conditions. Conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, arthritis, pain, and abnormal hormones can rob you of enjoying life. In fact, studies show that a person who is overweight, on average, spends over $1,400 more on health care than a person who isn’t overweight!

I have made it my mission to help as many people as possible get their weight under control with real-world advice and guidance. Most people want to be healthy, they just don’t know what to do. That is why I am proud to offer The ChiroThin Weight Loss Program. It is doctor supervised and is based on the 4 gold standards for successful long-term weight loss. It also uses real food that you can buy at any grocery store.

One more thing… it’s not a “fad diet”. ChiroThin is a Natural and Permanent weight loss solution, designed to educate you on how to lose the weight AND KEEP IT OFF! There are over 150,000 people who have gone through the program and over 1,000 chiropractic offices in the United States alone who offer it.

If you or someone you know is looking to lose weight quickly (20+ pounds in just 6 weeks), safely (it’s doctor supervised), and affordably (it’s less than ½ the cost of the other programs), please don't wait any longer. Call the office today!

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Weight Loss Program

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Please contact our office at (321) 728-1387

1051 Eber Blvd., Suite 102, Melbourne, 32904, FL

Office Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri: 9am-12pm, 2pm-6pm | Tue-Thu: 2pm-6pm | Sat-Sun: Closed

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